Geant4 interface

The accel directory contains components exclusive to coupling Celeritas with Geant4 for user-oriented integration. A simple interface for multithreaded or serial applications is demonstrated in Geant4 integration examples, and the more advanced implementation can be inspected in the Integrated Geant4 application (celer-g4) app.

High level interfaces

The high-level integration classes are the easiest way to add Celeritas to a Geant4 application. Under the hood, it contains a singleton class instance that sets up the UI commands (see celeritas::SetupOptionsMessenger), MPI (if configured), and Celeritas logging.

class IntegrationBase

Common interface for integrating Celeritas into user applications.

This implements common functionality for the Celeritas integration classes. The GetParams and GetState methods may only be used during a run with Celeritas offloading enabled.


For developers: this and the integration daughters all share common data in detail::IntegrationSingleton.

Subclassed by celeritas::FastSimulationIntegration, celeritas::TrackingManagerIntegration, celeritas::UserActionIntegration

Public Functions

void SetOptions(SetupOptions &&opts)

Set options before starting the run.

This captures the input to indicate that options cannot be modified after this point.

void BuildForMaster()

Initialize during ActionInitialization on non-worker thread in MT mode.

void Build()

Initialize during ActionInitialization on a worker thread or serial mode.

We guard against Build being called from BuildForMaster since we might add worker-specific code here.

void EndOfRunAction(G4Run const *run)

End the run.

CoreParams const &GetParams()

Access Celeritas shared params.

CoreStateInterface &GetState()

Access THREAD-LOCAL Celeritas core state data for user diagnostics.

Tracking manager

Using Celeritas to “offload” all electrons, photons, and gammas from Geant4 can be done using the new-ish Geant4 interface G4VTrackingManager implemented by celeritas::TrackingManager. To set up the tracking manager correctly, we recommend using this helper class:

class TrackingManagerConstructor : public G4VPhysicsConstructor

Construct a Celeritas tracking manager that offloads EM tracks.

This should be composed with your physics list after it is constructed, before the simulation begins. By default this uses the celeritas::TrackingManagerIntegration helper:

auto* physics_list = new FTFP_BERT;
physics_list->RegisterPhysics(new TrackingManagerConstructor{

but for manual integration it can be constructed with a function to get a reference to the thread-local LocalTransporter from the Geant4 thread ID:

auto* physics_list = new FTFP_BERT;
physics_list->RegisterPhysics(new TrackingManagerConstructor{
    shared_params, [](int){ return &local_transporter; });


If Celeritas is globally disabled, it will not add the track manager. If Celeritas is configured to “kill offload” mode (for testing maximum theoretical performance) then the tracking manager will be added but will not send the tracks to Celeritas: it will simply kill them.

The high-level celeritas::TrackingManagerIntegration class should be used in addition to the tracking manager constructor to set up and tear down Celeritas. See Geant4-Celeritas offloading template for a template of adding to a user application.

class TrackingManagerIntegration : public celeritas::IntegrationBase

Simple interface for G4VTrackingManager-based integration.

This singleton integrates both thread-local and global data with the user application. To use this class in your Geant4 application to offload tracks to Celeritas:

  • Use the TrackingManagerConstructor class to add the Celeritas tracking manager to your physics list.

  • Use SetOptions to set up options before G4RunManager::Initialize: usually in main for simple applications.

  • Call Build and BuildForMaster from UserActionInitialization

  • Call BeginOfRunAction and EndOfRunAction from UserRunAction

The CELER_DISABLE environment variable, if set and non-empty, will disable offloading so that Celeritas will not be built nor kill tracks.

The method names correspond to methods in Geant4 User Actions and must be called from all threads, both worker and master.


Provide default minimal action initialization classes for user

Public Functions

virtual void BeginOfRunAction(G4Run const *run) final

Start the run, initializing Celeritas options.

Public Static Functions

static TrackingManagerIntegration &Instance()

Access the public-facing integration singleton.

Fast simulation

It is currently not recommended to offload tracks on a per-region basis, since tracks exiting that region remain in Celeritas and on GPU.

class FastSimulationModel : public G4VFastSimulationModel

Offload tracks to Celeritas via G4VFastSimulationModel interface.

This class must be constructed locally on each worker thread/task, typically within the application’s concrete implementation of G4VUserDetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField().

Note that the argument G4Envelope is a type alias to G4Region.


Maybe need a helper to create a single fast sim model for multiple regions?

class FastSimulationIntegration : public celeritas::IntegrationBase

Simple interface for G4VTrackingManager-based integration.

This singleton integrates both thread-local and global data with the user application. To use this class in your Geant4 application to offload tracks to Celeritas:

  • Add the FastSimulationModel to regions of interest.

  • Use SetOptions to set up options before G4RunManager::Initialize: usually in main for simple applications.

  • Call Build and BuildForMaster from UserActionInitialization

  • Call BeginOfRunAction and EndOfRunAction from UserRunAction

The CELER_DISABLE environment variable, if set and non-empty, will disable offloading so that Celeritas will not be built nor kill tracks.

The method names correspond to methods in Geant4 User Actions and must be called from all threads, both worker and master.

Public Functions

virtual void BeginOfRunAction(G4Run const *run) final

Start the run, initializing Celeritas options.

Public Static Functions

static FastSimulationIntegration &Instance()

Access the public-facing integration singleton.

User action

For compatibility with older versions of Geant4, you may use the following class to integrate Celeritas by manually intercepting tracks with a UserTrackingAction.

class UserActionIntegration : public celeritas::IntegrationBase

Simple interface for G4VUserTrackingAction-based integration.

This singleton integrates both thread-local and global data with the user application. To use this class in your Geant4 application to offload tracks to Celeritas:

  • Set up the Options before calling G4RunManager::Initialize

  • Call Build and BuildForMaster from UserActionInitialization

  • Call BeginOfRunAction and EndOfRunAction from UserRunAction

  • Call BeginOfEvent and EndOfEvent from UserEventAction

  • Call PreUserTrackingAction from your UserTrackingAction

The CELER_DISABLE environment variable, if set and non-empty, will disable offloading so that Celeritas will not be built nor kill tracks.

The method names correspond to methods in Geant4 User Actions and must be called from all threads, both worker and master.


Provide default minimal action initialization classes for user?


Prefer to use celeritas::TrackingManagerIntegration instead of this class, unless you need support for Geant4 earlier than 11.1.

Public Functions

virtual void BeginOfRunAction(G4Run const *run) final

Start the run.

void BeginOfEventAction(G4Event const *event)

Send Celeritas the event ID.

void PreUserTrackingAction(G4Track *track)

Send tracks to Celeritas if applicable and “StopAndKill” if so.

void EndOfEventAction(G4Event const *event)

Flush offloaded tracks from Celeritas.

Public Static Functions

static UserActionIntegration &Instance()

Access the singleton.

The celeritas::SimpleOffload class is a slightly lower level interface for offloading tracks to Celeritas in a multithreaded or serial application. The class names correspond to user actions and ActionInitialization. It requires a few app-owned pieces such as celeritas::SharedParams and celeritas::LocalTransporter to be owned by the calling application; the options described below must also be set up and provided.

Deprecated since version v0.6: Use the celeritas::TrackingManagerIntegration class.

class SimpleOffload

Compressed interface for running Celeritas in a multithread Geant4 app.

This class must be a thread-local instance with references to data that exceed the lifetime of the class: e.g. SharedParams can be a global variable, and LocalTransporter can be a global variable with thread_local storage duration.

The CELER_DISABLE environment variable, if set and non-empty, will disable offloading so that Celeritas will not be built nor kill tracks.

The method names correspond to methods in Geant4 User Actions and must be called from all threads, both worker and master.


Use the UserActionIntegration class instead of this, or manually interface with the SharedParams and LocalTransporter for fine-grained control.

Public Functions

SimpleOffload() = default

Construct with celeritas disabled.

SimpleOffload(SetupOptions const *setup, SharedParams *params, LocalTransporter *local)

Construct from a reference to shared params and local data.

On construction, this will check for the CELER_DISABLE variable and disable offloading if set. Otherwise it will initialize the multithread logging if the run manager is initialized.

inline void Build(SetupOptions const *setup, SharedParams *params, LocalTransporter *local)

Lazy initialization of this class on a worker thread.

inline void BuildForMaster(SetupOptions const *setup, SharedParams *params)

Lazy initialization of this class on the master thread.

void BeginOfRunAction(G4Run const *run)

Initialize celeritas data from setup options.

void BeginOfEventAction(G4Event const *event)

Send Celeritas the event ID and reseed the Celeritas RNG.

void PreUserTrackingAction(G4Track *track)

Send tracks to Celeritas if applicable and “StopAndKill” if so.

void EndOfEventAction(G4Event const *event)

Flush offloaded tracks from Celeritas.

void EndOfRunAction(G4Run const *run)

Finalize Celeritas.

explicit operator bool() const

Whether offloading is enabled.


This is still “false” if this class is used to kill tracks with the CELER_KILL_OFFLOAD option.

Celeritas setup

The setup options help translate the Geant4 physics and problem setup to Celeritas. They are also necessary to set up the GPU offloading characteristics. Future versions of Celeritas will automate more of these settings.

By default, sensitive detectors are automatically mapped from Geant4 to Celeritas using the enabled option of celeritas::SDSetupOptions. If no SDs are present (e.g., in a test problem, or one which has only a “stepping manager” which is not presently compatible with Celeritas), the Celeritas setup will fail with an error like:

*** G4Exception : celer0001
      issued by : accel/detail/
Celeritas runtime error: no G4 sensitive detectors are defined: set `` to `false` if this is expected
*** Fatal Exception *** core dump ***
struct SetupOptions

Control options for initializing Celeritas.

The interface for the “along-step factory” (input parameters and output) is described in AlongStepFactoryInterface .


This class will be replaced in v1.0 by celeritas::inp::FrameworkInput .


std::string geometry_file

GDML filename (optional: defaults to exporting existing Geant4)

std::string output_file = {"celeritas.out.json"}

Filename for JSON diagnostic output, empty to disable.

std::string physics_output_file

Filename for ROOT dump of physics data.

std::string offload_output_file

Filename to dump a ROOT/HepMC3 copy of offloaded tracks as events.

std::string geometry_output_file

Filename to dump a GDML file for debugging inside frameworks.

Celeritas stepper options

size_type max_num_tracks = {}

Number of track “slots” to be transported simultaneously.

size_type max_num_events = {}

Maximum number of events in use (DEPRECATED: remove in v0.7)

size_type max_steps = no_max_steps()

Limit on number of steps per track before killing.

size_type max_step_iters = no_max_steps()

Limit on number of step iterations before aborting.

size_type initializer_capacity = {}

Maximum number of track initializers (primaries+secondaries)

real_type secondary_stack_factor = {3.0}

At least the average number of secondaries per track slot.

size_type auto_flush = {}

Number of tracks to buffer before offloading (if unset: max num tracks)

Physics options

VecString ignore_processes

Do not use Celeritas physics for the given Geant4 process names.

CUDA options

size_type cuda_stack_size = {}

Per-thread stack size (may be needed for VecGeom) [B].

size_type cuda_heap_size = {}

Dynamic heap size (may be needed for VecGeom) [B].

bool action_times = {false}

Sync the GPU at every kernel for timing.

bool default_stream = {false}

Launch all kernels on the default stream for debugging (REMOVED)

Diagnostic setup

std::string slot_diagnostic_prefix

Filename base for slot diagnostics.

std::function<void(CoreParams const&)> add_user_actions

Add additional diagnostic user actions [EXPERIMENTAL].

Public Members

IntAccessor get_num_streams

Set the number of streams (defaults to run manager # threads)

SDSetupOptions sd

Sensitive detector options.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr size_type no_max_steps()

Don’t limit the number of steps.

struct SDSetupOptions

Control options for initializing Celeritas SD callbacks.

By default, Celeritas connects to Geant4 sensitive detectors so that it reconstructs full-fidelity hits with all available step information.

  • If your problem has no SDs, you must set enabled to false.

  • By default, steps that do not deposit energy do not generate any hits.

  • To improve performance and memory usage, determine what quantities (time, position, direction, touchable, …) are required by your setup’s sensitive detectors and set all other attributes to false.

  • Reconstructing the full geometry status using locate_touchable is the most expensive detector option. Disable it unless your SDs require (e.g.) the volume’s copy number to locate a detector submodule.

  • Some reconstructed track attributes (such as post-step material) are currently never set because they are rarely used in practice. Contact the Celeritas team or submit a pull request to add this functionality.

Various attributes on the step, track, and pre/post step points may be available depending on the selected options.

  • Disabling track will leave G4Step::GetTrack as nullptr .

  • Enabling track will set the Charge attribute on the pre-step.

  • Requested post-step data including GlobalTime, Position, KineticEnergy, and MomentumDirection will be copied to the Track when the combination of options is enabled.

  • Some pre-step properties (Material and MaterialCutsCouple, and sensitive detector) are always updated. Post-step values for those are not set.

  • Track and Parent IDs will never be a valid value since Celeritas track counters are independent from Geant4 track counters. Similarly, special Geant4 user-defined UserInformation and AuxiliaryTrackInformation are never set.

The force_volumes option can be used for unusual cases (i.e., when using a custom run manager) that do not define SDs on the “master” thread. Similarly, the skip_volumes option allows optimized GPU-defined SDs to be used in place of a Geant4 callback. For both options, the FindVolumes helper function can be used to determine LV pointers from the volume names.


These setup options affect only the GeantSd construction that is responsible for reconstructing CPU hits and sending directly to the Geant4 detectors. It does not change the underlying physics.


This class will be replaced in v1.0 by celeritas::inp::SensitiveDetector .

Public Functions

inline explicit operator bool() const

True if SD is enabled.

Public Members

bool enabled = {true}

Call back to Geant4 sensitive detectors.

bool ignore_zero_deposition = {true}

Skip steps that do not deposit energy locally.

bool energy_deposition = {true}

Save energy deposition.

bool step_length = {true}

Save physical step length.

bool locate_touchable = {true}

Set TouchableHandle for PreStepPoint.

bool locate_touchable_post = {true}

Set TouchableHandle for PostStepPoint.

bool track = {true}

Create a track with the dynamic particle type and post-step data.

StepPoint pre

Options for saving and converting beginning-of-step data.

StepPoint post

Options for saving and converting end-of-step data.

std::unordered_set<G4LogicalVolume const*> force_volumes

Manually list LVs that don’t have an SD on the master thread.

std::unordered_set<G4LogicalVolume const*> skip_volumes

List LVs that should not have automatic hit mapping.

struct StepPoint

Public Members

bool direction = {true}

AKA momentum direction.

std::unordered_set<G4LogicalVolume const*> celeritas::FindVolumes(std::unordered_set<std::string> names)

Find volumes by name for SDSetupOptions.

Example: = FindVolumes({"foo", "bar"});

class UniformAlongStepFactory : public celeritas::AlongStepFactoryInterface

Create an along-step method for a uniform (or zero) field.

The constructor is a lazily evaluated function that must return the field definition and driver configuration. If unspecified, the field is zero.


Add a helper function to build from a Geant4 field manager or the new G4FieldSetup

class RZMapFieldAlongStepFactory : public celeritas::AlongStepFactoryInterface

Create an along-step method for a two-dimensional (r-z in the cylindical coordinate system) map field (RZMapField).

The celeritas::SetupOptionsMessenger, instantiated automatically by the Integration helper classes, provides a Geant4 “UI” macro interface to many of the options.

class SetupOptionsMessenger : public G4UImessenger

Expose setup options through the Geant4 “macro” UI interface.

The following options are exposed in the /celer/ command “directory”:




Override detector geometry with a custom GDML


Filename for JSON diagnostic output


Filename for ROOT dump of physics data


Filename for HepMC3/ROOT dump of offloaded tracks


Filename for GDML export


Number of tracks to be transported simultaneously


Maximum number of events in use


Limit on number of step iterations before aborting


Maximum number of track initializers


At least the average number of secondaries per track


Number of tracks to buffer before offloading


Limit on substeps in field propagator


Print IDs of particles in all slots (expensive)

The following option is exposed in the /celer/detector/ command “directory”:




Call back to Geant4 sensitive detectors

If a CUDA/HIP device is available, additional options are available under /celer/device/ (or a DEPRECATED /celer/cuda path, to be removed in v0.7):




Set the CUDA per-thread stack size for VecGeom


Set the CUDA per-thread heap size for VecGeom


Add timers around every action (may reduce performance)


Launch all kernels on the default stream (DEPRECATED)


The given SetupOptions should be global or otherwise must exceed the scope of this UI messenger.

Detailed interface

These classes are usually integrated into UserActions. The SimpleOffload interface above hides the complexity of these classes, or for more complex applications you can choose to use these classes directly instead of it.

class SharedParams

Shared (one instance for all threads) Celeritas problem data.

The CeleritasDisabled accessor queries the CELER_DISABLE environment variable as a global option for disabling Celeritas offloading. This is implemented by SimpleOffload

This should be instantiated on the master thread during problem setup, preferably as a shared pointer. The shared pointer should be passed to a thread-local LocalTransporter instance. At the beginning of the run, after Geant4 has initialized physics data, the Initialize method must be called first on the “master” thread to populate the Celeritas data structures (geometry, physics). InitializeWorker must subsequently be invoked on all worker threads to set up thread-local data (specifically, CUDA device initialization).

Some low-level objects, such as the output diagnostics and Geant4 geometry wrapper, can be created independently of Celeritas being enabled.

Internal use only

using SPGeantSd = std::shared_ptr<GeantSd>

Initialization status and integration mode.

using SPOffloadWriter = std::shared_ptr<detail::OffloadWriter>

Initialization status and integration mode.

using SPOutputRegistry = std::shared_ptr<OutputRegistry>

Initialization status and integration mode.

using SPTimeOutput = std::shared_ptr<TimeOutput>

Initialization status and integration mode.

using SPState = std::shared_ptr<CoreStateInterface>

Initialization status and integration mode.

using SPConstGeantGeoParams = std::shared_ptr<GeantGeoParams const>

Initialization status and integration mode.

using BBox = BoundingBox<double>

Initialization status and integration mode.

inline Mode mode() const

Initialization status and integration mode.

inline SPGeantSd const &hit_manager() const

Hit manager, to be used only by LocalTransporter.

If sensitive detector callback is disabled, the hit manager will be null.

inline SPOffloadWriter const &offload_writer() const

Optional offload writer, only for use by LocalTransporter.

inline SPOutputRegistry const &output_reg() const

Output registry for writing data at end of run.

inline SPTimeOutput const &timer() const

Access the timer.

void set_state(unsigned int stream_id, SPState&&)

Let LocalTransporter register the thread’s state.

unsigned int num_streams() const

Lazily obtained number of streams.

SPConstGeantGeoParams const &geant_geo_params() const

Lazily created Geant geometry parameters.

inline BBox const &bbox() const

Initialization status and integration mode.


static Mode GetMode()

Whether celeritas is disabled, set to kill, or to be enabled.

This gets the value from environment variables and


This will be refactored for 0.6 to take a celeritas::inp object and determine values rather than from the environment .

static bool CeleritasDisabled()

Whether celeritas is disabled, set to kill, or to be enabled.

This gets the value from environment variables and


This will be refactored for 0.6 to take a celeritas::inp object and determine values rather than from the environment .

static bool KillOffloadTracks()

Whether celeritas is disabled, set to kill, or to be enabled.

This gets the value from environment variables and


This will be refactored for 0.6 to take a celeritas::inp object and determine values rather than from the environment .


SharedParams() = default

Set up Celeritas using Geant4 data.

This is a separate step from construction because it has to happen at the beginning of the run, not when user classes are created. It should be called from the “master” thread (for MT mode) or from the main thread (for Serial), and it must complete before any worker thread tries to access the shared data.

explicit SharedParams(SetupOptions const &options)

Set up Celeritas using Geant4 data.

This is a separate step from construction because it has to happen at the beginning of the run, not when user classes are created. It should be called from the “master” thread (for MT mode) or from the main thread (for Serial), and it must complete before any worker thread tries to access the shared data.

inline void Initialize(SetupOptions const &options)

Helper for making initialization more obvious from user code.

void InitializeWorker(SetupOptions const &options)

On worker threads, set up data with thread storage duration.

Some data that has “static” storage duration (such as CUDA device properties) in single-thread mode has “thread” storage in a multithreaded application. It must be initialized on all threads.

void Finalize()

Clear shared data after writing out diagnostics.

This should be executed exactly once across all threads and at the end of the run.


inline SPParams const &Params()

Access Celeritas data.

This can only be called after Initialize.

inline SPConstParams Params() const

Access Celeritas data.

This can only be called after Initialize.

inline VecG4ParticleDef const &OffloadParticles() const

Get a vector of particles supported by Celeritas offloading.

inline explicit operator bool() const

Whether the class has been constructed.

Public Types

enum class Mode

Setup for Celeritas usage.


enumerator uninitialized
enumerator disabled
enumerator kill_offload
enumerator enabled
enumerator size_
class LocalTransporter

Manage offloading of tracks to Celeritas.

This class must be constructed locally on each worker thread/task/stream, usually as a shared pointer that’s accessible to:

  • a run action (for initialization),

  • an event action (to set the event ID and flush offloaded tracks at the end of the event)

  • a tracking action (to try offloading every track)


Rename LocalOffload or something?


Due to Geant4 thread-local allocators, this class must be finalized or destroyed on the same CPU thread in which is created and used!

Public Functions

LocalTransporter(SetupOptions const &options, SharedParams &params)

Construct with shared (MT) params.

inline void Initialize(SetupOptions const &options, SharedParams &params)

Helper for making initialization more obvious from user code.

This gives it some symmetry with Finalize, which is provided as an exception-friendly destructor.

void InitializeEvent(int)

Set the event ID and reseed the Celeritas RNG at the start of an event.

void Push(G4Track const&)

Convert a Geant4 track to a Celeritas primary and add to buffer.

void Flush()

Transport the buffered tracks and all secondaries produced.

void Finalize()

Clear local data.

This may need to be executed on the same thread it was created in order to safely deallocate some Geant4 objects under the hood…

MapStrReal GetActionTime() const

Get the accumulated action times.

CoreStateInterface const &GetState() const

Access core state data for user diagnostics.

CoreStateInterface &GetState()

Access core state data for user diagnostics.

inline explicit operator bool() const

Whether the class instance is initialized.

Interface utilities

Logger celeritas::MakeMTLogger(G4RunManager const &runman)

Construct a logger that will redirect Celeritas messages through Geant4.

This logger writes the current thread (and maximum number of threads) in each output message, and sends each message through the thread-local G4cerr.

In the main of your application’s exectuable, set the “process-local” (MPI-aware) logger:

celeritas::self_logger() = celeritas::MakeMTLogger(*run_manager);

class ExceptionConverter

Translate Celeritas C++ exceptions into Geant4 G4Exception calls.

This should generally be used when wrapping calls to Celeritas in a user application.

For example, the user event action to transport particles on device could be used as:

void EventAction::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event*)
    // Transport any tracks left in the buffer
    celeritas::ExceptionConverter call_g4exception{"celer.event.flush"};
    CELER_TRY_HANDLE(transport_->Flush(), call_g4exception);

struct AlongStepFactoryInput

Input argument to the AlongStepFactory interface.

When passed to a factory instance, all member data will be set (so the instance will be ‘true’).

Most of these classes have been forward-declared because they simply need to be passed along to another class’s constructor.

class AlongStepFactoryInterface

Helper class for emitting an AlongStep action.

Currently Celeritas accepts a single along-step action (i.e., the same stepper is used for both neutral and charged particles, across all energies and regions of the problem). The along-step action is a single GPU kernel that combines the field stepper selection, the magnetic field, slowing-down calculation, multiple scattering, and energy loss fluctuations.

The factory will be called from the thread that initializes SharedParams. Instead of a daughter class, you can provide any function-like object that has the same interface.

Celeritas provides a few “default” configurations of along-step actions in celeritas/alongstep.

Subclassed by celeritas::CylMapFieldAlongStepFactory, celeritas::RZMapFieldAlongStepFactory, celeritas::UniformAlongStepFactory

Classes usable by Geant4

These utilities are based on Celeritas data structures and capabilities but are written to be usable both by the celer-g4 app and potential other users.

class GeantSimpleCalo : public celeritas::OutputInterface

Manage a simple calorimeter sensitive detector across threads.

The factory should be created in DetectorConstruction or DetectorConstruction::Construct and added to the output parameters. Calling MakeSensitiveDetector will emit a sensitive detector for the local thread and attach it to the logical volumes on the local thread.

class HepMC3PrimaryGenerator : public G4VPrimaryGenerator

HepMC3 reader class for sharing across threads.

This class should be shared among threads so that events can be correctly split up between them. It should be called from a user’s primary generator action:

void MyAction::GeneratePrimaries(G4Event* event)


This class assumes that all threads will be reading all events sequentially and that events in the HepMC3 file are numbered sequentially from zero.

class RZMapMagneticField : public G4MagneticField

A user magnetic field equivalent to celeritas::RZMapField.

class CylMapMagneticField : public G4MagneticField

A user magnetic field equivalent to celeritas::CylMapField.

CylMapFieldParams::Input celeritas::MakeCylMapFieldInput(std::vector<G4double> const &r_grid, std::vector<G4double> const &phi_values, std::vector<G4double> const &z_grid)

Generates input for CylMapField params with configurable nonuniform grid dimensions in native Geant4 units, and should be in the range [0; ].

This must be called after G4RunManager::Initialize as it will retrieve the G4FieldManager’s field to sample it.

Low-level Celeritas integration

This subsection contains details of importing Geant4 data into Celeritas.

Geant4 geometry utilities

class GeantGdmlLoader

Load a GDML file into memory.

The pointer treatment gives three options:

  • ignore leaves names as they are imported by Geant4’s GDML reader, which strips them from material/region names but leaves solid/logical/physical pointers in place.

  • truncate lets the Geant4 GDML remove the pointers, which cuts everything after 0x including suffixes like _refl added during volume construction.

  • remove uses a regular expression to remove pointers from volume names.

The detectors option reads auxiliary tags in the structure that have auxtype=SensDet and returns a multimap of strings to volume pointers.

inline G4VPhysicalVolume *celeritas::load_gdml(std::string const &filename)

Load a Geant4 geometry, excising pointers.

This provides a good default for using GDML in Celeritas.


Geant4-owned world volume

inline void celeritas::save_gdml(G4VPhysicalVolume const *world, std::string const &out_filename)

Write a GDML file to the given filename.

inline std::unordered_set<G4LogicalVolume const*> celeritas::find_geant_volumes(std::unordered_set<std::string> names)

Find Geant4 logical volumes corresponding to a list of names.

If logical volumes with duplicate names are present, they will all show up in the output and a warning will be emitted. If one is missing, a RuntimeError will be raised.

static std::string_view const labels[] = {"Vol1", "Vol2"};
auto vols = find_geant_volumes(make_span(labels));

Geant4 physics interfaces

class GeantImporter : public celeritas::ImporterInterface

Load problem data directly from Geant4.

This can be used to circumvent ROOT as a serialization tool, whether to simplify the toolchain or to integrate better with user frameworks. As much data as possible is imported (subject to the data selection); downstream Celeritas classes will validate the imported data as needed.

GeantImporter import(GeantSetup("blah.gdml"));
ImportData data = import();
or to import from an existing, initialized Geant4 state:
GeantImport import(world_volume);
ImportData data = import();

class GeantSetup

Construct a Geant 4 run manager and populate internal Geant4 physics.

This is usually passed directly into GeantImporter . It hides Geant4 implementation details (including header files) from the rest of the code. It is safe to include even when Geant4 is unavailable!

The setup is targeted specifically for physics that Celeritas supports.

Geant4 physics options

struct GeantPhysicsOptions

Construction options for Geant physics.

These options attempt to default to our closest match to G4StandardEmPhysics. They are passed to the EmPhysicsList and FtfpBert physics lists to provide an easy way to set up physics options.

Gamma physics

bool compton_scattering = {true}

Enable Compton scattering.

bool photoelectric = {true}

Enable the photoelectric effect.

bool rayleigh_scattering = {true}

Enable Rayleigh scattering.

bool gamma_conversion = {true}

Enable electron pair production.

bool gamma_general = {false}

Use G4GammaGeneral instead of individual gamma processes.

Electron and positron physics

bool coulomb_scattering = {false}

Enable discrete Coulomb.

bool ionization = {true}

Enable e- and e+ ionization.

bool annihilation = {true}

Enable positron annihilation.

BremsModelSelection brems = {BremsModelSelection::all}

Enable bremsstrahlung and select a model.

MevEnergy seltzer_berger_limit = {1e3}

Upper limit for the Seltzer-Berger bremsstrahlung model.

MscModelSelection msc = {MscModelSelection::urban}

Enable multiple coulomb scattering and select a model.

RelaxationSelection relaxation = {RelaxationSelection::none}

Enable atomic relaxation and select a model.

Physics options

int em_bins_per_decade = {7}

Number of log-spaced bins per factor of 10 in energy.

bool eloss_fluctuation = {true}

Enable universal energy fluctuations.

bool lpm = {true}

Apply relativistic corrections for select models.

bool integral_approach = {true}

See PhysicsParamsOptions::disable_integral_xs.

Cutoff options

MevEnergy min_energy = {0.1 * 1e-3}

Lowest energy of any EM physics process.

MevEnergy max_energy = {100 * 1e6}

Highest energy of any EM physics process.

double linear_loss_limit = {0.01}

See PhysicsParamsOptions::linear_loss_limit.

MevEnergy lowest_electron_energy = {0.001}

Tracking cutoff kinetic energy for e-/e+.

MevEnergy lowest_muhad_energy = {0.001}

Tracking cutoff kinetic energy for muons/hadrons.

bool apply_cuts = {false}

Kill secondaries below the production cut.

double default_cutoff = {0.1 * units::centimeter}

Set the default production cut for all particle types [len].

Multiple scattering configuration

double msc_range_factor = {0.04}

e-/e+ range factor for MSC models

double msc_muhad_range_factor = {0.2}

Muon/hadron range factor for MSC models.

double msc_safety_factor = {0.6}

Safety factor for MSC models.

double msc_lambda_limit = {0.1 * units::centimeter}

Lambda limit for MSC models [len].

double msc_theta_limit = {constants::pi}

Polar angle limit between single and multiple Coulomb scattering.

double angle_limit_factor = {1}

Factor for dynamic computation of angular limit between SS and MSC.

bool msc_displaced = {true}

Whether lateral displacement is enabled for e-/e+ MSC.

bool msc_muhad_displaced = {false}

Whether lateral displacement is enabled for muon/hadron MSC.

MscStepLimitAlgorithm msc_step_algorithm = {MscStepLimitAlgorithm::safety}

Step limit algorithm for e-/e+ MSC models.

MscStepLimitAlgorithm msc_muhad_step_algorithm{MscStepLimitAlgorithm::minimal}

Step limit algorithm for muon/hadron MSC models.

NuclearFormFactorType form_factor = {NuclearFormFactorType::exponential}

Nuclear form factor model for Coulomm scattering.

Public Members

GeantMuonPhysicsOptions muon

Muon EM physics.

bool verbose = {false}

Print detailed Geant4 output.

GeantOpticalPhysicsOptions optical = {GeantOpticalPhysicsOptions::deactivated()}

Optical physics options.