Stepping mechanics¶
The core algorithm in Celeritas is to perform a loop interchange [Allen and Kennedy, 1984] between particle tracks and steps. The classical (serial) way of simulating an event is to have an outer loop over tracks and an inner loop over steps, and inside each step are the various actions applied to a track such as evaluating cross sections, calculating the distance to the nearest geometry boundary, and undergoing an interaction to produce secondaries. In Python pseudocode this looks like:
track_queue = primaries
while track_queue:
track = track_queue.pop()
while track.alive:
for apply_action in [pre, along, post]:
track_queue += track.secondaries
There is effectively a data dependency between the track at step i and step i + 1 that prevents vectorization. The approach Celeritas takes to “vectorize” the stepping loop on GPU is to have an outer loop over “step iterations” and an inner loop over “track slots”, which are elements in a fixed-size vector of tracks that may be in flight:
initializers = primaries
track_slots = [None] * num_track_slots
while initializers or any(track_slots):
fill_track_slots(track_slots, initializers)
for apply_action in [pre, along, post]:
for (i, track) in enumerate(track_slots):
track_queue += track.secondaries
if not track.alive:
track_slots[i] = None
The stepping loop in Celeritas is therefore a sorted loop over “step actions”, each of which is usually a kernel launch (or an inner loop over tracks if running on CPU).
Actions can operate on shared parameters and thread-local state collections.
All actions inherit from a celeritas::ActionInterface
base class, and the hierarchy of actions allows multiple inheritance so that a
single “action” class can, for example, allocate states at the beginning of the
run and execute once per step.
There are currently two different actions that act as extension points to the
stepping loop: celeritas::BeginRunActionInterface
is called once
per event (or set of simultaneously initialized events), and
is called once per step, ordered using celeritas::StepActionOrder
class ActionInterface¶
Pure abstract interface for an action that could happen to a track.
An action represents a possible state point or state change for a track. Explicit actions (see
) call kernels that change the state (discrete processes, geometry boundary), and implicit actions (which do not inherit from the explicit interface) are placeholders for different reasons to pause the state or mark it for future modification (range limitation, propagation loop limit).The
provides a clean virtual interface for gathering metadata. TheStepActionInterface
provides additional interfaces for launching kernels. TheBeginRunActionInterface
allows actions to modify the state (or the class instance itself) at the beginning of a stepping loop, andEndRunActionInterface
allows actions to gather and merge multiple state information at the end.Using multiple inheritance, you can create an action that inherits from multiple of these classes. Note also that the function signatures are similar to other high-level interfaces classes in Celeritas (e.g.,
), so one “label” can be used to satisfy multiple interfaces.The
should be a brief lowercase hyphen-separated string, usually a noun, with perhaps some sort of category being the first token.The
should be a verb phrase (and not have a title-cased start).Subclassed by celeritas::ConcreteAction, celeritas::MutableActionInterface, celeritas::StaticConcreteAction, celeritas::StepActionInterface< P, S >
template<class P, template<MemSpace M> class S>
class BeginRunActionInterface : public celeritas::ActionTypeTraits<P, S>, public celeritas::MutableActionInterface¶ Interface for updating states at the beginning of the simulation.
This is necessary for some classes that require deferred initialization (either to the class itself or the state), for example because it needs the number of total actions being run.
If the class itself—rather than the state—needs initialization, try to initialize in the constructor and avoid using this interface if possible.
- Todo:
This is currently called once per each state on each CPU thread, and it would be more sensible to call a single with all cooperative states.
Because this is called once per thread, the inheriting class is responsible for thread safety (e.g. adding mutexes).
Subclassed by celeritas::ActionDiagnostic, celeritas::ExtendFromSecondariesAction, celeritas::SortTracksAction, celeritas::StatusChecker
template<class P, template<MemSpace M> class S>
class StepActionInterface : public celeritas::ActionTypeTraits<P, S>, public virtual celeritas::ActionInterface¶ Interface for kernel actions in a stepping loop.
- Template Parameters:
P – Core param class
S – Core state class
Subclassed by celeritas::ActionDiagnostic, celeritas::AlongStepCylMapFieldMscAction, celeritas::AlongStepGeneralLinearAction, celeritas::AlongStepNeutralAction, celeritas::AlongStepRZMapFieldMscAction, celeritas::AlongStepUniformMscAction, celeritas::ExtendFromPrimariesAction, celeritas::ExtendFromSecondariesAction, celeritas::InitializeTracksAction, celeritas::Model, celeritas::SlotDiagnostic, celeritas::SortTracksAction, celeritas::StepDiagnostic
enum class celeritas::StepActionOrder
Within-step ordering of explicit actions.
Each “step iteration”, wherein many tracks undergo a single step in parallel, consists of an ordered series of actions. An action with an earlier order always precedes an action with a later order.
See also
enumerator generate
Fill new track initializers.
enumerator start
Initialize tracks.
enumerator user_start
User initialization of new tracks.
enumerator sort_start
Sort track slots after initialization.
enumerator pre
Pre-step physics and setup.
enumerator user_pre
User actions for querying pre-step data.
enumerator sort_pre
Sort track slots after setting pre-step.
enumerator along
enumerator sort_along
Sort track slots after determining first step action.
enumerator pre_post
Discrete selection kernel.
enumerator sort_pre_post
enumerator post
Sort track slots after selecting discrete interaction.
After step
enumerator user_post
User actions after boundary crossing, collision.
enumerator end
Processing secondaries, including replacing primaries.
enumerator size_
enumerator generate
Initialization and execution¶
The front end constructs the Problem definition classes and allows user actions and Auxiliary user data to be set up
“Core params”, which reference these classes, are constructed; in the process, certain required implementation actions (e.g., managing primaries and secondaries, initializing tracks, crossing boundaries) are added to the action
Additional user actions and data can be added
The “core state” is created on each CPU thread (or task), simultaneously constructing a vector of auxiliary state data
constructs a final ordered runtime vector of actionsThe Stepper immediately calls the “begin run” actions
Each step calls all the “step” actions
enum class celeritas::TrackStatus : std::uint_least8_t
Whether a track slot is alive, inactive, or dying inside a step iteration.
Each track slot has a state marking its transition between death and life.
A track slot starts as
. If not filled with a new track, it is inactive for the rest of the step iteration.When it is populated with a new particle, it is
. If an error occurs during initialization it iserrored
.During the pre-step setup, a non-errored active track slot is marked as
.During along-step or post-step a track can be marked as
enumerator inactive
No tracking in this thread slot.
enumerator initializing
Before pre-step, after initialization.
enumerator alive
Track is active and alive.
enumerator begin_dying_
enumerator errored
Track failed during this step.
enumerator killed
Killed physically inside the step.
enumerator size_
template<MemSpace M>
class Stepper : public celeritas::StepperInterface¶ Manage a state vector and execute a single step on all of them.
Stepper<MemSpace::host> step(input); // Transport primaries for the initial step StepperResult alive_tracks = step(my_primaries); while (alive_tracks) { // Transport secondaries alive_tracks = step(); }
This is likely to be removed and refactored since we’re changing how primaries are created and how multithread state ownership is managed.
Track sort order¶
For performance reasons such as reducing divergence and improving memory access patterns, it is desirable to map similar tracks into similar threads. There will be an upcoming paper describing and analyzing these options in more detail.
enum class celeritas::TrackOrder
Change the ordering or thread mapping of track slots.
There are three categories of track sorting:
No sorting is performed and new tracks are inserted in the nearest empty track slot. (
)The location of new track slots is biased during track initialization: charged and neutral tracks are inserted at opposite sides of the track slot vacancies. (
)Tracks are reindexed one or more times per step so that the layout in memory is unchanged but an additional indirection maps threads onto different track slots based on particle attributes (
), actions (reindex_along_step_action
).As a control to measure the cost of indirection, the track slots can be reindexed randomly at the beginning of execution (
enumerator none
Don’t do any sorting: tracks are in an arbitrary order.
enumerator begin_layout_
enumerator init_charge
Partition data layout of new tracks by charged vs neutral.
enumerator end_layout_
enumerator begin_reindex_
Shuffle at the start of the simulation.
enumerator reindex_shuffle
enumerator reindex_status
Partition by active/inactive status.
enumerator reindex_particle_type
Sort by particle type.
enumerator begin_reindex_action_
enumerator reindex_along_step_action
Sort only by the along-step action id.
enumerator reindex_step_limit_action
Sort only by the step limit action id.
enumerator reindex_both_action
Sort by along-step id, then post-step ID.
enumerator end_reindex_action_
enumerator end_reindex_
enumerator size_