Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::test::GlobalGeoTestBase Class Referenceabstract

Reuse geometry across individual tests. More...

#include <GlobalGeoTestBase.hh>

Inheritance diagram for celeritas::test::GlobalGeoTestBase:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual std::string_view geometry_basename () const =0
SPConstGeo build_geometry () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from celeritas::test::GlobalTestBase
SPConstPrimariesAction constprimaries_action ()
void insert_primaries (CoreStateInterface &state, SpanConstPrimary primaries)
SPOutputRegistry constoutput_reg () const
 Access output manager.
void write_output ()
 Write output to a debug text file.
SPConstGeo constgeometry ()
SPConstMaterial constmaterial ()
SPConstGeoMaterial constgeomaterial ()
SPConstParticle constparticle ()
SPConstCutoff constcutoff ()
SPConstPhysics constphysics ()
SPConstAction constalong_step ()
SPConstRng constrng ()
SPConstSim constsim ()
SPConstTrackInit constinit ()
SPConstWentzelOKVI constwentzel ()
SPActionRegistry constaction_reg ()
SPUserRegistry constaux_reg ()
SPConstCore constcore ()
SPConstCherenkov constcherenkov ()
SPConstOpticalMaterial constoptical_material ()
SPConstScintillation constscintillation ()
SPConstGeo constgeometry () const
SPConstMaterial constmaterial () const
SPConstGeoMaterial constgeomaterial () const
SPConstParticle constparticle () const
SPConstCutoff constcutoff () const
SPConstPhysics constphysics () const
SPConstAction constalong_step () const
SPConstRng constrng () const
SPConstSim constsim () const
SPConstTrackInit constinit () const
SPConstWentzelOKVI constwentzel () const
SPActionRegistry constaction_reg () const
SPUserRegistry constaux_reg () const
SPConstCore constcore () const
SPConstCherenkov constcherenkov () const
SPConstOpticalMaterial constoptical_material () const
SPConstScintillation constscintillation () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from celeritas::test::Test
std::string make_unique_filename (std::string_view ext={})
 Generate test-unique filename.

Protected Member Functions

SPConstGeoI build_fresh_geometry (std::string_view) override
 Construct a geometry for the first time.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from celeritas::test::GlobalTestBase
virtual SPConstMaterial build_material ()=0
virtual SPConstGeoMaterial build_geomaterial ()=0
virtual SPConstParticle build_particle ()=0
virtual SPConstCutoff build_cutoff ()=0
virtual SPConstPhysics build_physics ()=0
virtual SPConstSim build_sim ()=0
virtual SPConstTrackInit build_init ()=0
virtual SPConstWentzelOKVI build_wentzel ()=0
virtual SPConstAction build_along_step ()=0
virtual SPConstCherenkov build_cherenkov ()=0
virtual SPConstOpticalMaterial build_optical_material ()=0
virtual SPConstScintillation build_scintillation ()=0
void disable_status_checker ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from celeritas::test::LazyGeoManager
SPConstGeoI get_geometry (std::string_view key)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from celeritas::test::GlobalTestBase
template<class T >
using SP = std::shared_ptr< T >
using SPConstGeo = SP< GeoParams const >
using SPConstMaterial = SP< MaterialParams const >
using SPConstGeoMaterial = SP< GeoMaterialParams const >
using SPConstParticle = SP< ParticleParams const >
using SPConstCutoff = SP< CutoffParams const >
using SPConstPhysics = SP< PhysicsParams const >
using SPConstAction = SP< CoreStepActionInterface const >
using SPConstRng = SP< RngParams const >
using SPConstSim = SP< SimParams const >
using SPConstTrackInit = SP< TrackInitParams const >
using SPConstWentzelOKVI = SP< WentzelOKVIParams const >
using SPConstCore = SP< CoreParams const >
using SPActionRegistry = SP< ActionRegistry >
using SPOutputRegistry = SP< OutputRegistry >
using SPUserRegistry = SP< AuxParamsRegistry >
using SPConstCherenkov = SP< optical::CherenkovParams const >
using SPConstOpticalMaterial = SP< optical::MaterialParams const >
using SPConstScintillation = SP< optical::ScintillationParams const >
using SPConstPrimariesAction = SP< ExtendFromPrimariesAction const >
using SpanConstPrimary = Span< Primary const >
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from celeritas::test::Test
static std::string test_data_path (std::string_view subdir, std::string_view filename)
 Get the path to a test file at {source}/test/{subdir}/data/{filename}.
static std::string genericize_pointers (std::string_view s)
 Replace pointer addresses with 0x0 for improved testability.
static bool strict_testing ()
 True if strict testing is required.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from celeritas::test::Test
static constexpr double inf = HUGE_VAL
static constexpr float inff = HUGE_VALF
static constexpr double coarse_eps = 1e-6
- Protected Types inherited from celeritas::test::LazyGeoManager
using SPConstGeoI = std::shared_ptr< GeoParamsInterface const >
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from celeritas::test::LazyGeoManager
static void reset_geometry ()
 Destroy the geometry if needed.

Detailed Description

Reuse geometry across individual tests.

This is helpful for slow geometry construction or if the geometry has trouble building/destroying multiple times per execution due to global variable usage (VecGeom, Geant4).

The "geometry basename" should be the filename without extension of a geometry file inside test/celeritas/data.

Member Function Documentation

◆ build_fresh_geometry()

SPConstGeoI celeritas::test::GlobalGeoTestBase::build_fresh_geometry ( std::string_view  key)

Construct a geometry for the first time.

Implements celeritas::test::LazyGeoManager.

Reimplemented in celeritas::test::SDTestBase.

◆ build_geometry()

SPConstGeo celeritas::test::GlobalGeoTestBase::build_geometry ( )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: