Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::WentzelOKVIParams Class Referencefinal

Construct and store shared Coulomb and multiple scattering data. More...

#include <WentzelOKVIParams.hh>

Inheritance diagram for celeritas::WentzelOKVIParams:
Inheritance graph


struct  Options

Public Types

Type aliases
using SPConstMaterials = std::shared_ptr< MaterialParams const >
using SPConstParticles = std::shared_ptr< ParticleParams const >
- Public Types inherited from celeritas::ParamsDataInterface< WentzelOKVIData >
using HostRef = HostCRef< WentzelOKVIData >
using DeviceRef = DeviceCRef< WentzelOKVIData >

Public Member Functions

 WentzelOKVIParams (SPConstMaterials materials, SPConstParticles particles, Options options)
 Construct from cross section data and material properties.
HostRef consthost_ref () const final
 Access Wentzel OK&VI data on the host.
DeviceRef constdevice_ref () const final
 Access Wentzel OK&VI data on the device.
- Public Member Functions inherited from celeritas::ParamsDataInterface< WentzelOKVIData >
WentzelOKVIData< Ownership::const_reference, M > const & ref () const
WentzelOKVIData< Ownership::const_reference, M > const & ref () const
 Dispatch a "ref" call to host or device data.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::shared_ptr< WentzelOKVIParamsfrom_import (ImportData const &data, SPConstMaterials materials, SPConstParticles particles)
 Construct if Wentzel VI or Coulomb is present, else return nullptr.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from celeritas::ParamsDataInterface< WentzelOKVIData >
 CELER_DEFAULT_COPY_MOVE (ParamsDataInterface)

Detailed Description

Construct and store shared Coulomb and multiple scattering data.

This data is used by both the single Coulomb scattering and Wentzel VI multiple scattering models.

Member Function Documentation

◆ device_ref()

DeviceRef const & celeritas::WentzelOKVIParams::device_ref ( ) const

Access Wentzel OK&VI data on the device.

Implements celeritas::ParamsDataInterface< WentzelOKVIData >.

◆ host_ref()

HostRef const & celeritas::WentzelOKVIParams::host_ref ( ) const

Access Wentzel OK&VI data on the host.

Implements celeritas::ParamsDataInterface< WentzelOKVIData >.

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