Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::ChipsNeutronElasticInteractor Class Reference

Perform neutron elastic scattering based on the CHIPS (Chiral invariant phase space) model. More...

#include <ChipsNeutronElasticInteractor.hh>

Public Member Functions

CELER_FUNCTION ChipsNeutronElasticInteractor (NeutronElasticRef const &shared, ParticleTrackView const &particle, Real3 const &inc_direction, IsotopeView const &target)
 Construct with shared and state data, and a target nucleus.
template<class Engine >
CELER_FUNCTION Interaction operator() (Engine &rng)
 Sample the final state of the neutron-nucleus elastic scattering.

Detailed Description

Perform neutron elastic scattering based on the CHIPS (Chiral invariant phase space) model.

This performs the sampling procedure as in G4HadronElastic, G4ChipsElasticModel and G4ChipsNeutronElasticXS, as partly documented in section 21.1.3 of the Geant4 Physics Reference (release 11.2).

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()()

template<class Engine >
CELER_FUNCTION Interaction celeritas::ChipsNeutronElasticInteractor::operator() ( Engine rng)

Sample the final state of the neutron-nucleus elastic scattering.

The scattering angle ( \( cos \theta \)) in the elastic neutron-nucleus scattering is expressed in terms of the momentum transfer ( \( Q^{2} \)),

\[ cos \theta = 1 - \frac{Q^{2}}{2 |\vec{k}_i|^{2}} \]

where \( \vec{k}_i \) is the momentum of the incident neutron in the center of mass frame and the momentum transfer ( \( Q^{2} \)) is calculated according to the CHIPS (Chiral Invariant Phase Space) model (see references in model/ChipsNeutronElasticModel.cc and detail/MomentumTransferSampler.hh). The final direction of the scattered neutron in the laboratory frame is then transformed by the Lorentz boost of the initial four vector of the neutron-nucleus system.

Create a secondary ion(Z, N) if recoil_energy > recoil_threshold with energy = recoil_energy and direction = lv.mom - nlv1.mom

Note: the tracking of the secondary ion is only needed when there is a detail simulation of radiative decay for the recoiled nucleus.

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