Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::IsotopeView Class Reference

Access amalgamated data for a nuclide (isotope of an element). More...

#include <IsotopeView.hh>

Public Types

Type aliases
using MaterialParamsRef = NativeCRef< MaterialParamsData >
using MevEnergy = units::MevEnergy
using MevMass = units::MevMass
using AtomicMassNumber = AtomicNumber

Public Member Functions

CELER_FUNCTION IsotopeView (MaterialParamsRef const &params, IsotopeId isot_id)
 Construct from shared material data and global isotope ID.
CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION IsotopeId isotope_id () const
 Isotope ID.
CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION AtomicNumber atomic_number () const
 Atomic number Z.
CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION AtomicMassNumber atomic_mass_number () const
 Atomic number A.
CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION MevEnergy binding_energy () const
 Nuclear binding energy.
CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION MevEnergy proton_loss_energy () const
 Nuclear binding energy difference for a proton loss.
CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION MevEnergy neutron_loss_energy () const
 Nuclear binding energy difference for a neutron loss.
CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION MevMass nuclear_mass () const
 Nuclear mass, the sum of the nucleons' mass and their binding energy.

Detailed Description

Access amalgamated data for a nuclide (isotope of an element).

This encapsulates general data specific to a single nuclide.

This will be renamed to NuclideView.

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