| MollerBhabhaModel (ActionId id, ParticleParams const &particles) |
| Construct from model ID and other necessary data.
SetApplicability | applicability () const final |
| Particle types and energy ranges that this model applies to.
MicroXsBuilders | micro_xs (Applicability) const final |
| Get the microscopic cross sections for the given particle and material.
void | step (CoreParams const &, CoreStateHost &) const final |
| Interact with host data.
void | step (CoreParams const &, CoreStateDevice &) const final |
| Interact with device data.
MollerBhabhaData const & | host_ref () const |
MollerBhabhaData const & | device_ref () const |
StepActionOrder | order () const final |
| Dependency ordering of the action.
virtual void | step (P const &, S< MemSpace::host > &) const =0 |
| Execute the action with host data.
virtual void | step (P const &, S< MemSpace::device > &) const =0 |
| Execute the action with device data.
virtual | ~ActionInterface () noexcept=0 |
| Default destructor.
| StaticConcreteAction (ActionId id, std::string_view label) noexcept(!CELERITAS_DEBUG) |
| Construct a concrete action from a label and ID.
| StaticConcreteAction (ActionId id, std::string_view label, std::string_view description) noexcept(!CELERITAS_DEBUG) |
| Construct a concrete action from an ID, a unique label, and a description.
| CELER_DELETE_COPY_MOVE (StaticConcreteAction) |
ActionId | action_id () const final |
| ID of this action for verification.
std::string_view | label () const final |
| Short label.
std::string_view | description () const final |
| Descriptive label.
Set up and launch the Moller-Bhabha model interaction.