Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::SphereCentered Class Reference

Sphere centered at the origin. More...

#include <SphereCentered.hh>

Type aliases

using Intersections = Array< real_type, 2 >
 Surface type identifier.
using StorageSpan = Span< real_type const, 1 >
 Surface type identifier.
static CELER_CONSTEXPR_FUNCTION SurfaceType surface_type ()
 Surface type identifier.
static CELER_CONSTEXPR_FUNCTION bool simple_safety ()
 Safety is intersection along surface normal.
static SphereCentered from_radius_sq (real_type rsq)
 Construct from the square of the radius.
CELER_FUNCTION SphereCentered (real_type radius)
 Construct with sphere radius.
template<class R >
CELER_FUNCTION SphereCentered (Span< R, StorageSpan::extent >)
 Construct from raw data.
CELER_FUNCTION real_type radius_sq () const
 Square of the radius.
CELER_FUNCTION StorageSpan data () const
 Get a view to the data for type-deleted storage.
CELER_FUNCTION SignedSense calc_sense (Real3 const &pos) const
 Determine the sense of the position relative to this surface.
CELER_FUNCTION Intersections calc_intersections (Real3 const &pos, Real3 const &dir, SurfaceState on_surface) const
 Calculate all possible straight-line intersections with this surface.
CELER_FUNCTION Real3 calc_normal (Real3 const &pos) const
 Calculate outward normal at a position.

Detailed Description

Sphere centered at the origin.

Member Function Documentation

◆ from_radius_sq()

SphereCentered celeritas::SphereCentered::from_radius_sq ( real_type  rsq)

Construct from the square of the radius.

This is used for surface simplification.

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