Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::g4org::ProtoConstructor Class Reference

Recursively build ORANGE proto-universes from a LogicalVolume . More...

#include <ProtoConstructor.hh>

Public Types

Type aliases
using SPConstObject = std::shared_ptr< orangeinp::ObjectInterface const >
using ObjLv = std::pair< SPConstObject, LogicalVolume const * >
using SPUnitProto = std::shared_ptr< orangeinp::UnitProto >
using ProtoInput = orangeinp::UnitProto::Input

Public Member Functions

 ProtoConstructor (bool verbose)
 Construct with verbosity setting.
SPUnitProto operator() (LogicalVolume const &lv)
 Construct a proto-universe from a logical volume.

Detailed Description

Recursively build ORANGE proto-universes from a LogicalVolume .

The input to this function is the output of LogicalVolumeConverter . This class is responsible for "placing" the converted PhysicalVolume by transforming its children. Depending on heuristics, the children are directly inserted into a UnitProto as volumes (specifically, the logical volume becomes a UnitProto::MaterialInput), or a LogicalVolume is turned into a new UnitProto that can be used in multiple locations.

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