Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
celeritas::CoreParams::Input Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

 operator bool () const
 True if all params are assigned and valid.

Public Attributes

SPConstGeo geometry
SPConstMaterial material
SPConstGeoMaterial geomaterial
SPConstParticle particle
SPConstCutoff cutoff
SPConstPhysics physics
SPConstRng rng
SPConstSim sim
SPConstTrackInit init
SPConstWentzelOKVI wentzel
 Optional (TODO: aux data?)
SPActionRegistry action_reg
SPOutputRegistry output_reg
SPUserRegistry aux_reg
 Optional, empty default.
SPConstMpiCommunicator mpi_comm
 Optional, world_comm default.
StreamId::size_type max_streams {1}
 Maximum number of simultaneous threads/tasks per process.
StreamId::size_type tracks_per_stream {0}
 Number of track slots per stream.

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