Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::ImportEmParameters Struct Reference

Common electromagnetic physics parameters (see G4EmParameters.hh). More...

#include <ImportParameters.hh>

Public Member Functions

 operator bool () const
 Whether parameters are assigned and valid.

Public Attributes

bool energy_loss_fluct {false}
 Energy loss fluctuation.
bool lpm {true}
 LPM effect for bremsstrahlung and pair production.
bool integral_approach {true}
 Integral cross section rejection.
double linear_loss_limit {0.01}
 Slowing down threshold for linearity assumption.
double lowest_electron_energy {0.001}
 Lowest e-/e+ kinetic energy [MeV].
double lowest_muhad_energy {0.001}
 Lowest muon/hadron kinetic energy [MeV].
bool auger {false}
 Whether auger emission should be enabled (valid only for relaxation)
MscStepLimitAlgorithm msc_step_algorithm {MscStepLimitAlgorithm::safety}
 MSC step limit algorithm for e-/e+.
MscStepLimitAlgorithm msc_muhad_step_algorithm
 MSC step limit algorithm for muon/hadron.
double msc_displaced {true}
 MSC lateral displacement for e-/e+.
double msc_muhad_displaced {false}
 MSC lateral displacement for muon/hadron.
double msc_range_factor {0.04}
 MSC range factor for e-/e+.
double msc_muhad_range_factor {0.2}
 MSC range factor for muon/hadron.
double msc_safety_factor {0.6}
 MSC safety factor.
double msc_lambda_limit {1 * units::millimeter}
 MSC lambda limit [length].
double msc_theta_limit {constants::pi}
 Polar angle limit between single and multiple Coulomb scattering.
bool apply_cuts {false}
 Kill secondaries below production cut.
double screening_factor {1}
 Nuclear screening factor for single/multiple Coulomb scattering.
double angle_limit_factor {1}
 Factor for dynamic computation of angular limit between SS and MSC.
NuclearFormFactorType form_factor {NuclearFormFactorType::exponential}
 Nuclear form factor model for Coulomb scattering.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr auto energy_units {ImportUnits::mev}

Detailed Description

Common electromagnetic physics parameters (see G4EmParameters.hh).

Geant4 v11 removed the Spline() option from G4EmParameters.hh.
The Geant4 MSC models use the values in G4EmParameters as the defaults; however, the MSC parameters can also be set directly using the model setter methods (there is no way to retrieve the values from the model in that case).

Member Data Documentation

◆ msc_muhad_step_algorithm

MscStepLimitAlgorithm celeritas::ImportEmParameters::msc_muhad_step_algorithm
Initial value:

MSC step limit algorithm for muon/hadron.

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