Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::SDSetupOptions Struct Reference

Control options for initializing Celeritas SD callbacks. More...

#include <SetupOptions.hh>


struct  StepPoint

Public Member Functions

 operator bool () const
 True if SD is enabled.

Public Attributes

bool enabled {true}
 Call back to Geant4 sensitive detectors.
bool ignore_zero_deposition {true}
 Skip steps that do not deposit energy locally.
bool energy_deposition {true}
 Save energy deposition.
bool step_length {true}
 Save physical step length.
bool locate_touchable {true}
 Set TouchableHandle for PreStepPoint.
bool track {true}
 Create a track with the dynamic particle type and post-step data.
StepPoint pre
 Options for saving and converting beginning-of-step data.
StepPoint post
 Options for saving and converting end-of-step data.
std::unordered_set< G4LogicalVolume const * > force_volumes
 Manually list LVs that don't have an SD on the master thread.
std::unordered_set< G4LogicalVolume const * > skip_volumes
 List LVs that should not have automatic hit mapping.

Detailed Description

Control options for initializing Celeritas SD callbacks.

By default, Celeritas connects to Geant4 sensitive detectors so that it reconstructs full-fidelity hits with all available step information.

Various attributes on the step, track, and pre/post step points may be available depending on the selected options.

The force_volumes option can be used for unusual cases (i.e., when using a custom run manager) that do not define SDs on the "master" thread. Similarly, the skip_volumes option allows optimized GPU-defined SDs to be used in place of a Geant4 callback. For both options, the FindVolumes helper function can be used to determine LV pointers from the volume names.

These setup options affect only the HitManager construction that is responsible for reconstructing CPU hits and sending directly to the Geant4 detectors. It does not change the underlying physics.
This class will be replaced in v1.0 by celeritas::inp::SensitiveDetector .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: