Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::OrangeTrackView Class Reference

Navigate through an ORANGE geometry on a single thread. More...

#include <OrangeTrackView.hh>


struct  DetailedInitializer
 Helper struct for initializing from an existing geometry state. More...

Public Types

Type aliases
using ParamsRef = NativeCRef< OrangeParamsData >
using StateRef = NativeRef< OrangeStateData >
using Initializer_t = GeoTrackInitializer

Public Member Functions

CELER_FUNCTION OrangeTrackView (ParamsRef const &params, StateRef const &states, TrackSlotId tid)
 Construct from persistent and state data.
CELER_FUNCTION OrangeTrackViewoperator= (Initializer_t const &init)
 Construct the state.
CELER_FUNCTION OrangeTrackViewoperator= (DetailedInitializer const &init)
 Construct the state from a direction and a copy of the parent state.
CELER_FUNCTION Real3 constpos () const
 The current position.
CELER_FUNCTION Real3 constdir () const
 The current direction.
CELER_FUNCTION VolumeId volume_id () const
 The current volume ID.
CELER_FUNCTION VolumeInstanceId volume_instance_id () const
 The current volume instance.
CELER_FUNCTION LevelId constlevel () const
 The current level.
CELER_FUNCTION void volume_instance_id (Span< VolumeInstanceId >) const
 Get the volume instance ID at every level.
CELER_FUNCTION SurfaceId surface_id () const
 The current surface ID.
CELER_FUNCTION SurfaceId next_surface_id () const
 After 'find_next_step', the next straight-line surface.
CELER_FUNCTION bool is_outside () const
 Whether the track is outside the valid geometry region.
CELER_FUNCTION bool is_on_boundary () const
 Whether the track is exactly on a surface.
 Whether the last operation resulted in an error.
CELER_FUNCTION Propagation find_next_step ()
 Find the distance to the next geometric boundary.
CELER_FUNCTION Propagation find_next_step (real_type max_step)
 Find a nearby distance to the next geometric boundary up to a distance.
CELER_FUNCTION real_type find_safety ()
 Find the distance to the nearest boundary in any direction.
CELER_FUNCTION real_type find_safety (real_type max_step)
 Find the distance to the nearest nearby boundary.
CELER_FUNCTION void move_to_boundary ()
 Move to the next straight-line boundary but do not change volume.
CELER_FUNCTION void move_internal (real_type step)
 Move within the current volume.
CELER_FUNCTION void move_internal (Real3 const &pos)
 Move within the current volume to a nearby point.
CELER_FUNCTION void cross_boundary ()
 Cross from one side of the current surface to the other.
CELER_FUNCTION void set_dir (Real3 const &newdir)
 Change the track's direction.

Detailed Description

Navigate through an ORANGE geometry on a single thread.

Since the navigation relies on computationally expensive calls and must ensure a consistent state between physical and logical boundaries, there is an ordering followed by Celeritas' internal calls to each track's state. Access (pos, dir, volume/surface/is_outside/is_on_boundary) is valid at any time.

The required ordering is:

At any time, set_dir may be called, but then find_next_step must again be called before any subsequent move or cross action above .

The main point is that find_next_step depends on the current straight-line direction, move_to_boundary and move_internal (with a step length) depends on that distance, and cross_boundary depends on being on the boundary with a knowledge of the post-boundary state.

move_internal with a position should depend on the safety distance, but that check is not yet implemented.

Member Function Documentation

◆ cross_boundary()

CELER_FUNCTION void celeritas::OrangeTrackView::cross_boundary ( )

Cross from one side of the current surface to the other.

The position must be on the boundary following a move-to-boundary. This should only be called once per boundary crossing.

◆ find_next_step()

CELER_FUNCTION Propagation celeritas::OrangeTrackView::find_next_step ( real_type  max_step)

Find a nearby distance to the next geometric boundary up to a distance.

This may reduce the number of surfaces needed to check, sort, or write to temporary memory, thereby speeding up transport.

◆ find_safety() [1/2]

CELER_FUNCTION real_type celeritas::OrangeTrackView::find_safety ( )

Find the distance to the nearest boundary in any direction.

The safety distance at a given point is the minimum safety distance over all levels, since surface deduplication can potentionally elide bounding surfaces at more deeply embedded levels.

◆ find_safety() [2/2]

CELER_FUNCTION real_type celeritas::OrangeTrackView::find_safety ( real_type  max_step)

Find the distance to the nearest nearby boundary.

Since we currently support only "simple" safety distances, we can't eliminate anything by checking only nearby surfaces.

◆ move_internal() [1/2]

CELER_FUNCTION void celeritas::OrangeTrackView::move_internal ( Real3 const pos)

Move within the current volume to a nearby point.

Currently it's up to the caller to make sure that the position is "nearby". We should actually test this with an "is inside" call.

◆ move_internal() [2/2]

CELER_FUNCTION void celeritas::OrangeTrackView::move_internal ( real_type  dist)

Move within the current volume.

The straight-line distance must be less than the distance to the boundary.

◆ operator=()

CELER_FUNCTION OrangeTrackView & celeritas::OrangeTrackView::operator= ( Initializer_t const init)

Construct the state.

Expensive. This function should only be called to initialize an event from a starting location and direction. Secondaries will initialize their states from a copy of the parent.

◆ set_dir()

CELER_FUNCTION void celeritas::OrangeTrackView::set_dir ( Real3 const newdir)

Change the track's direction.

This happens after a scattering event or movement inside a magnetic field. It resets the calculated distance-to-boundary. It is allowed to happen on the boundary, but changing direction so that it goes from pointing outward to inward (or vice versa) will mean that cross_boundary will be a null-op.

TODO: This needs to be updated to handle reflections through levels

◆ volume_id()

CELER_FUNCTION VolumeId celeritas::OrangeTrackView::volume_id ( ) const

The current volume ID.

It is allowable to call this function when "outside", because the outside in ORANGE is just a special volume. Other geometries may not have that behavior.

◆ volume_instance_id() [1/2]

CELER_FUNCTION VolumeInstanceId celeritas::OrangeTrackView::volume_instance_id ( ) const

The current volume instance.

not implemented; VolumeId is already halfway between a "reusable volume" and a "volume instance" anyway...

◆ volume_instance_id() [2/2]

CELER_FUNCTION void celeritas::OrangeTrackView::volume_instance_id ( Span< VolumeInstanceId levels) const

Get the volume instance ID at every level.

The input span size must be equal to the value of "level" plus one. The top-most level ("world" or level zero) starts at index zero and moves downward. Note that Geant4 uses the reverse nomenclature.

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