Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::GeoParamsSurfaceInterface Class Referenceabstract

Interface class for a host geometry that supports surfaces. More...

#include <GeoParamsInterface.hh>

Inheritance diagram for celeritas::GeoParamsSurfaceInterface:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

Type aliases
using SurfaceMap = LabelIdMultiMap< SurfaceId >
- Public Types inherited from celeritas::GeoParamsInterface
using SpanConstVolumeId = Span< VolumeId const >
using VolumeMap = LabelIdMultiMap< VolumeId >
using VolInstanceMap = LabelIdMultiMap< VolumeInstanceId >

Public Member Functions

 ~GeoParamsSurfaceInterface () override=0
 Default virtual destructor.
virtual SurfaceMap constsurfaces () const =0
 Get surface metadata.
Label constid_to_label (SurfaceId surf_id) const
 Get the label for a placed volume ID.
SurfaceId find_surface (std::string const &name) const
 Get the surface ID corresponding to a unique label name.
SurfaceId::size_type num_surfaces () const
 Number of distinct surfaces.
Label constid_to_label (VolumeId vol_id) const
 Get the label for a placed volume ID.
- Public Member Functions inherited from celeritas::GeoParamsInterface
virtual ~GeoParamsInterface ()=0
 Default virtual destructor.
virtual bool supports_safety () const =0
 Whether safety distance calculations are accurate and precise.
virtual BBox constbbox () const =0
 Outer bounding box of geometry.
virtual LevelId::size_type max_depth () const =0
 Maximum nested scene/volume depth.
virtual VolumeMap constvolumes () const =0
 Get volume metadata.
virtual VolInstanceMap constvolume_instances () const =0
 Get volume instance metadata.
virtual VolumeId find_volume (G4LogicalVolume const *volume) const =0
 Get the volume ID corresponding to a Geant4 logical volume.
virtual G4VPhysicalVolume constid_to_pv (VolumeInstanceId id) const =0
 Get the Geant4 PV corresponding to a volume instance.
VolumeId::size_type num_volumes () const
 Number of volumes.
Label constid_to_label (VolumeId vol_id) const
 Get the label for a placed volume ID.
VolumeId find_volume (std::string const &name) const
 Get the volume ID corresponding to a unique name.
VolumeId find_volume (Label const &label) const
 Get the volume ID corresponding to a unique label.
VolumeId find_volume (char const *name) const
 Get the volume ID corresponding to a unique name.
SpanConstVolumeId find_volumes (std::string const &name) const
 Get the volume ID corresponding to a unique name.

Protected Member Functions

 CELER_DEFAULT_COPY_MOVE (GeoParamsSurfaceInterface)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from celeritas::GeoParamsInterface

Detailed Description

Interface class for a host geometry that supports surfaces.

Remove this interface, use empty surface map instead

Member Function Documentation

◆ surfaces()

virtual SurfaceMap const & celeritas::GeoParamsSurfaceInterface::surfaces ( ) const
pure virtual

Get surface metadata.

Implemented in celeritas::OrangeParams.

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