Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::EventData Struct Reference

Event data to be used within a Geant4/Celeritas offloading application. More...

#include <EventData.hh>

Public Attributes

int event_id {0}
std::vector< std::vector< EventHitData > > hits

Detailed Description

Event data to be used within a Geant4/Celeritas offloading application.

The hits are designed to be assigned to each sensitive volume, so that a vector of hits of a given volume can be retrieved by doing

auto const& sd_hits = event_data.hits[sensdet_id];
for (auto const& hit : sd_hits)
// Access hit information from this given detector in this event.

Therefore, sensitive detector IDs must be contiguously assigned and mapped to their sensitive detector name at startup.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: