Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::SignedPermutation Class Reference

Apply a rotation that remaps and possibly flips signs. More...

#include <SignedPermutation.hh>

Public Types

Type aliases
using SignedAxis = std::pair< char, Axis >
using SignedAxes = EnumArray< Axis, SignedAxis >
using StorageSpan = Span< real_type const, 1 >
using DataArray = Array< real_type, 1 >
using UIntT = short unsigned int

Public Member Functions

 SignedPermutation ()
 Construct with an identity permutation.
 SignedPermutation (SignedAxes permutation)
 Construct with a permutation vector.
CELER_FUNCTION SignedPermutation (StorageSpan s)
 Construct inline from storage.
UIntT value () const
 Opaque type for hashing and comparison.
SignedAxes permutation () const
 Reconstruct the permutation.
DataArray data () const
 Get a view to the data for type-deleted storage.
CELER_FUNCTION Real3 transform_up (Real3 const &pos) const
 Transform from daughter to parent.
CELER_FUNCTION Real3 transform_down (Real3 const &parent_pos) const
 Transform from parent to daughter.
CELER_FUNCTION Real3 rotate_up (Real3 const &dir) const
 Rotate from daughter to parent.
CELER_FUNCTION Real3 rotate_down (Real3 const &parent_dir) const
 Rotate from parent to daughter.

Detailed Description

Apply a rotation that remaps and possibly flips signs.

A signed permutation matrix is a special matrix that has only one entry with the value of \(\pm1\) in each row and each column. This is a specialized rotation matrix that, when applied to a vector, simply exchanges the locations and/or flips the signs of the vector entries.

This class stores a special version of the daughter-to-parent rotation matrix:

\[ \mathbf{R} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{e}_x \\ \hline \mathbf{e}_y \\ \hline \mathbf{e}_z \end{bmatrix} \]

where \( \mathbf{e}_u \) has exactly one entry with a value \( \pm 1 \) and the other entries are zero.

The underlying storage are a compressed series of bits in little-endian form that indicate the positions of the nonzero entry followed by the sign:

  [flip z'][z' axis][flip y'][y' axis][flip x'][x' axis]
        8   7    6        5   4     3        2   1   0  bit position

This allows the "rotate up" to simply copy one value at a time into a new position, and optionally flip the sign of the result.

Construction of this class takes a length 3 array of SignedAxis values. The sign is a '+' or '-' character and the axis is the position of the nonzero component in that row.

Note that the unsigned integer type (UIntT) is at least 16 bits, which is sufficient accurately round-trip through a floating point value.

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