Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::ImportVolume Struct Reference

Store logical volume properties. More...

#include <ImportVolume.hh>

Public Types

Type aliases
using Index = unsigned int

Public Member Functions

 operator bool () const
 Whether this represents a physical volume or is just a placeholder.

Public Attributes

Index geo_material_id {unspecified}
 Material defined by geometry.
Index region_id {unspecified}
 Optional region associated.
Index phys_material_id {unspecified}
 Material modified by physics.
std::string name
std::string solid_name

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr Index unspecified = -1

Detailed Description

Store logical volume properties.

The "phys material ID" is the index of the MaterialCutsCouple, and the "geo material ID" is the index of the Material (physical properties).
The index of this volume in the volumes vector is the "instance ID" which is not necessarily reproducible.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: