Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::HardwiredModels< W, M > Struct Template Reference

Model data for special hardwired cases (on-the-fly xs calculations). More...

#include <PhysicsData.hh>

Public Member Functions

template<Ownership W2, MemSpace M2>
HardwiredModelsoperator= (HardwiredModels< W2, M2 > const &other)
 Assign from another set of hardwired models.

Public Attributes

ProcessId photoelectric
units::MevEnergy photoelectric_table_thresh
ModelId livermore_pe
LivermorePEData< W, Mlivermore_pe_data
AtomicRelaxParamsData< W, Mrelaxation_data
ProcessId positron_annihilation
ModelId eplusgg
EPlusGGData eplusgg_data
ProcessId neutron_elastic
ModelId chips
NeutronElasticData< W, Mchips_data

Detailed Description

template<Ownership W, MemSpace M>
struct celeritas::HardwiredModels< W, M >

Model data for special hardwired cases (on-the-fly xs calculations).

TODO: livermore/relaxation are owned by other classes, but because we assign <host, value> -> { <host, cref> ; <device, value> -> <device, cref> }

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: