Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::Logger Class Reference

Create a log message to be printed based on output/verbosity sttings. More...

#include <Logger.hh>

Public Types

Type aliases
using Message = detail::LoggerMessage

Public Member Functions

 Logger (LogHandler handle)
 Construct with handler.
Message operator() (LogProvenance &&prov, LogLevel lev)
 Create a logger that flushes its contents when it destructs.
void level (LogLevel lev)
 Set the minimum logging verbosity.
LogLevel level () const
 Get the current logging verbosity.

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr LogLevel default_level ()
 Get the default log level.

Detailed Description

Create a log message to be printed based on output/verbosity sttings.

This should generally be called by the world_logger and self_logger functions below. The call operator() returns an object that should be streamed into in order to create a log message.

This object is assignable, so to replace the default log handler with a different one, you can call

world_logger = Logger(my_handler);
Create a log message to be printed based on output/verbosity sttings.
Definition corecel/io/Logger.hh:91
Logger & world_logger()
Parallel-enabled logger: print only on "main" process.
Definition corecel/io/Logger.cc:177

When using with MPI, the world_logger global objects are different on each process: rank 0 will have a handler that outputs to screen, and the other ranks will have a "null" handler that suppresses all log output.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Logger()

celeritas::Logger::Logger ( LogHandler  handle)

Construct with handler.

A null handler will silence the logger.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()()

auto celeritas::Logger::operator() ( LogProvenance &&  prov,
LogLevel  lev 

Create a logger that flushes its contents when it destructs.

It's assumed that log messages will be relatively unlikely (and expensive anyway), so we mark as CELER_UNLIKELY to optimize for the no-logging case.

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