Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::MuBremsDiffXsCalculator Class Reference

Calculate the differential cross section for muon bremsstrahlung. More...

#include <MuBremsDiffXsCalculator.hh>

Public Types

Type aliases
using Energy = units::MevEnergy
using Mass = units::MevMass

Public Member Functions

CELER_FUNCTION MuBremsDiffXsCalculator (ElementView const &element, Energy inc_energy, Mass inc_mass, Mass electron_mass)
 Construct with incident particle data and current element.
CELER_FUNCTION real_type operator() (Energy energy)
 Compute the differential cross section per atom at the given photon energy.

Detailed Description

Calculate the differential cross section for muon bremsstrahlung.

The differential cross section can be written as

\[ \difd{\sigma}{\epsilon} = \frac{16}{3} \alpha N_A (\frac{m}{\mu} r_e)^2 \frac{1}{\epsilon A} Z(Z \Phi_n + \Phi_e) (1 - v + \frac{3}{4} v^2), \]

where \( \epsilon \) is the photon energy, \( \alpha \) is the fine structure constant, \( N_A \) is Avogadro's number, \( m \) is the electron mass, \( \mu \) is the muon mass, \( r_e \) is the classical electron radius, \( Z \) is the atomic number, and \( A \) is the atomic mass. \( v = \epsilon / E \) is the relative energy transfer, where \( E \) is the total energy of the incident muon.

The contribution to the cross section from the nucleus is given by

\[ \Phi_n = \ln \frac{B Z^{-1/3} (\mu + \delta(D'_n \sqrt{e} - 2))}{D'_n (m + \delta \sqrt{e} B Z^{-1/3})} \ , \]

where \( \delta = \frac{\mu^2 v}{2(E - \epsilon)}\) is the minimum momentum transfer and \( D'_n \) is the correction to the nuclear form factor.

The contribution to the cross section from electrons is given by

\[ \Phi_e = \ln \frac{B' Z^{-2/3} \mu}{\left(1 + \frac{\delta \mu}{m^2 \sqrt{e}}\right)(m + \delta \sqrt{e} B' Z^{-2/3})} \ . \]

The constants \( B \) and \( B' \) were calculated using the Thomas-Fermi model. In the case of hydrogen, where the Thomas-Fermi model does not serve as a good approximation, the exact values of the constants were calculated analytically.

This performs the same calculation as in Geant4's G4MuBremsstrahlungModel::ComputeDMicroscopicCrossSection() and as described in section 11.2.1 of the Physics Reference Manual. The formulae are taken mainly from SR Kelner, RP Kokoulin, and AA Petrukhin. About cross section for high-energy muon bremsstrahlung. Technical Report, MEphI, 1995. Preprint MEPhI 024-95, Moscow, 1995, CERN SCAN-9510048.

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