Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::AuxStateVec Class Reference

Manage single-stream auxiliary state data. More...

#include <AuxStateVec.hh>

Type aliases

using UPState = std::unique_ptr< AuxStateInterface >
 Create without any auxiliary data.
using UPConstState = std::unique_ptr< AuxStateInterface const >
 Create without any auxiliary data.
 AuxStateVec ()=default
 Create without any auxiliary data.
 AuxStateVec (AuxParamsRegistry const &, MemSpace, StreamId, size_type)
 Create from params on a device/host stream.
 Create without any auxiliary data.
 ~AuxStateVec ()=default
 Create without any auxiliary data.
AuxStateInterfaceat (AuxId)
 Access a mutable auxiliary state interface for a given ID.
AuxStateInterface constat (AuxId) const
 Access a mutable auxiliary state interface for a given ID.
AuxId::size_type size () const
 Get the number of defined states.

Detailed Description

Manage single-stream auxiliary state data.

This class is constructed from a AuxParamsRegistry after the params are completely added and while the state is being constructed (with its size, etc.). The AuxId for an element of this class corresponds to the AuxParamsRegistry.

This class can be empty either by default or if the given auxiliary registry doesn't have any entries.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: