| NeutronInelasticModel (ActionId id, ParticleParams const &particles, MaterialParams const &materials, CascadeOptions const &options, ReadData load_data) |
| Construct from model ID and other necessary data.
SetApplicability | applicability () const final |
| Particle types and energy ranges that this model applies to.
MicroXsBuilders | micro_xs (Applicability) const final |
| Get the microscopic cross sections for the given particle and material.
HostRef const & | host_ref () const |
DeviceRef const & | device_ref () const |
StepActionOrder | order () const final |
| Dependency ordering of the action.
virtual void | step (P const &, S< MemSpace::host > &) const =0 |
| Execute the action with host data.
virtual void | step (P const &, S< MemSpace::device > &) const =0 |
| Execute the action with device data.
virtual | ~ActionInterface () noexcept=0 |
| Default destructor.
| StaticConcreteAction (ActionId id, std::string_view label) noexcept(!CELERITAS_DEBUG) |
| Construct a concrete action from a label and ID.
| StaticConcreteAction (ActionId id, std::string_view label, std::string_view description) noexcept(!CELERITAS_DEBUG) |
| Construct a concrete action from an ID, a unique label, and a description.
| CELER_DELETE_COPY_MOVE (StaticConcreteAction) |
ActionId | action_id () const final |
| ID of this action for verification.
std::string_view | label () const final |
| Short label.
std::string_view | description () const final |
| Descriptive label.
void | step (CoreParams const &, CoreStateHost &) const final |
| Apply the interaction kernel to host data.
void | step (CoreParams const &, CoreStateDevice &) const final |
| Interact with device data.
Set up and launch the neutron inelastic model interaction.
Only neutron-neutron (proton-proton) and neutron-proton channels are tabulated in [10, 320] (MeV) where pion production is not likely. The cross sections below 10 MeV will be calculated on the fly using the Stepanov's function. Tabulated data of cross sections and parameters at the low energy are from G4CascadePPChannel, G4CascadeNPChannel and G4CascadeNNChannel of the Geant4 11.2 release while angular c.d.f data are from G4PP2PPAngDst and G4NP2NPAngDst. Also note that the channel cross sections of nucleon-nucleon are same as their total cross sections in the energy range and the proton-proton channel is same as the neutron-neutron channel based on the charge-independence hypothesis of the nuclear force. See [bertini-1963,hess-1958].