Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::inp::StandaloneInput Struct Reference

Celeritas setup for standalone apps. More...

#include <StandaloneInput.hh>

Public Attributes

System system
 System attributes.
std::variant< FileImport, Problemproblem
 Base problem options and input data.
std::optional< GeantSetupgeant_setup
 Set up Geant4 (if all the data isn't serialized)
std::variant< GeantImport, FileImportphysics_import
 Whether using Geant4 or loading from ROOT.
std::optional< GeantDataImportgeant_data
 If using Geant4 or overriding or sparse input?
std::optional< UpdateImportupdate
 If loading from an existing input, option to update data.
Events events
 Primary particles.

Detailed Description

Celeritas setup for standalone apps.

The order of initialization and loading follows the member declarations:

The input Problem can be an embedded struct or a path to a file to import.

physics_import will be a std::optional<GeantImport> after all the ImportData is merged into Problem .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: