Celeritas 0.6.0-dev.115+3b60a5fd
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celeritas::FieldDriverOptions Struct Reference

Configuration options for the field driver. More...

#include <FieldDriverOptions.hh>

Public Member Functions

CELER_FUNCTION operator bool () const
 Whether all data are assigned and valid.

Public Attributes

real_type minimum_step = 1.0e-5 * units::millimeter
 The minimum length of the field step.
real_type delta_chord = 0.25 * units::millimeter
 The maximum sagitta of each substep ("miss distance")
real_type delta_intersection = 1.0e-4 * units::millimeter
 Accuracy of intersection of the boundary crossing.
real_type epsilon_step = 1.0e-5
 Discretization error tolerance for each field substep.
real_type epsilon_rel_max = 1.0e-3
 Targeted discretization error for "integrate step".
real_type errcon = 1.0e-4
 UNUSED: Targeted discretization error for "one good step".
real_type pgrow = -0.20
 Exponent to increase a step size.
real_type pshrink = -0.25
 Exponent to decrease a step size.
real_type safety = 0.9
 Scale factor for the predicted step size.
real_type max_stepping_increase = 5
 Largest allowable relative increase a step size.
real_type max_stepping_decrease = 0.1
 Smallest allowable relative decrease in step size.
short int max_nsteps = 100
 Maximum number of integrations (or trials)
short int max_substeps = 10
 Maximum number of substeps in the field propagator.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr real_type initial_step_tol = 1e-6
 Initial step tolerance.
static constexpr real_type dchord_tol = 1e-5 * units::millimeter
 Chord distance fudge factor.
static constexpr real_type min_chord_shrink = 0.5
 Lowest allowable scaling factor when searching for a chord.

Detailed Description

Configuration options for the field driver.

TODO: replace epsilon_rel_max with 1/epsilon_rel_max^2 TODO: replace safety with step_shrink_mul (or something to indicate that it's a multiplicative factor for reducing the step, not anything with geometry) TODO: remove errcon TODO: for some of these we could probably use single-precision

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