.. Copyright Celeritas contributors: see top-level COPYRIGHT file for details .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. highlight:: cmake .. _infrastructure: Installation ============ Celeritas is designed to be easy to install for a multitude of use cases. Package managers ---------------- .. todo:: Add links/description to spack installation .. _dependencies: Dependencies ------------ Celeritas is built using modern CMake_. It has multiple dependencies to operate as a full-featured code, but each dependency can be individually disabled as needed. .. _CMake: https://cmake.org The code requires external dependencies to build with full functionality, but none of them need to be installed externally for the code to work. Most can be omitted entirely to enable limited development on experimental HPC systems or personal machines with fewer available components. Items with an asterisk in the category below will be fetched from the internet if required but not available on the user's system. .. tabularcolumns:: lll .. csv-table:: :header: Component, Category, Description :widths: 10, 10, 20 CUDA_, Runtime, "GPU computation" Geant4_, Runtime, "Preprocessing physics data for a problem input" G4EMLOW_, Runtime, "EM physics model data" HepMC3_, Runtime, "Event input" HIP_, Runtime, "GPU computation" libpng_, Runtime, "PNG output for raytracing" nljson_, Runtime*, "Simple text-based I/O for diagnostics and program setup" "`Open MPI`_", Runtime, "Shared-memory parallelism" ROOT_, Runtime, "Input and output" VecGeom_, Runtime, "On-device navigation of GDML-defined detector geometry" Breathe_, Docs, "Generating code documentation inside user docs" Doxygen_, Docs, "Code documentation" Sphinx_, Docs, "User documentation" sphinxbib_, Docs, "Reference generation for user documentation" clang-format_, Development, "Code formatting enforcement" CMake_, Development, "Build system" Git_, Development, "Repository management" GoogleTest_, Development*, "Test harness" Perfetto_, Development*, "CPU profiling" .. _CMake: https://cmake.org .. _CUDA: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit .. _Doxygen: https://www.doxygen.nl .. _G4EMLOW: https://geant4.web.cern.ch/support/download .. _Geant4: https://geant4.web.cern.ch/support/download .. _Git: https://git-scm.com .. _GoogleTest: https://github.com/google/googletest .. _HepMC3: http://hepmc.web.cern.ch/hepmc/ .. _libpng: http://www.libpng.org/ .. _HIP: https://docs.amd.com .. _Open MPI: https://www.open-mpi.org .. _ROOT: https://root.cern .. _Sphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/ .. _VecGeom: https://gitlab.cern.ch/VecGeom/VecGeom .. _breathe: https://github.com/michaeljones/breathe#readme .. _clang-format: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html .. _nljson: https://github.com/nlohmann/json .. _sphinxbib: https://pypi.org/project/sphinxcontrib-bibtex/ .. _Perfetto: https://perfetto.dev/ Ideally you will build Celeritas with all dependencies to gain the full functionality of the code, but there are circumstances in which you may not have (or want) all the dependencies or features available. By default, the CMake code in Celeritas queries available packages and sets several ``CELERITAS_USE_{package}`` options based on what it finds, so you have a good chance of successfully configuring Celeritas on the first go. Some optional features will error out in the configure if their required dependencies are missing, but they will update the CMake cache variable so that the next configure will succeed (with that component disabled). .. _configuration: Configuration options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The interactive ``ccmake`` tool is highly recommended for exploring the Celeritas configuration options, since it provides both documentation *and* an easy way to toggle through all the valid options. ``CELERITAS_USE_{package}`` Enable features of the given dependency. The configuration will fail if the dependent package is not found. ``CELERITAS_BUILD_{DOCS|TESTS}`` Build optional documentation and/or tests. ``CELERITAS_CORE_GEO`` Select the geometry package used by the Celeritas stepping loop. Valid options include VecGeom, Geant4, and ORANGE. There are limits on compatibility: Geant4 is not compatible with GPU-enabled or OpenMP builds, and VecGeom is not compatible with HIP. ``CELERITAS_CORE_RNG`` Select the pseudorandom number generator. Current options are platform-dependent implementations of XORWOW. ``CELERITAS_DEBUG`` Enable detailed runtime assertions. These *will* slow down the code considerably, especially on GPU builds. ``CELERITAS_OPENMP`` Choose between no multithreaded OpenMP parallelism (``disabled``), ``event``-level parallelism for the ``celer-sim`` app, and ``track``-level parallelism. OpenMP *should* be disabled with multithreaded Geant4 but *will* work correctly with single-threaded applications. ``CELERITAS_REAL_TYPE`` Choose between ``double`` and ``float`` real numbers across the codebase. This is currently experimental. ``CELERITAS_UNITS`` Choose the native Celeritas unit system: see :ref:`the unit documentation `. Celeritas libraries (generally) use CMake-provided default properties. These can be changed with standard `CMake variables`_ such as ``BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`` to enable shared libraries, ``CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE``, etc. .. _CMake variables: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-variables.7.html Toolchain installation ---------------------- The recommended way to install dependencies is with ``Spack``, an HPC-oriented package manager that includes numerous scientific packages, including those used in HEP. Celeritas includes a Spack development environment at :file:`scripts/spack.yaml` that describes the code's full suite of dependencies (including testing and documentation). To install these dependencies: - Clone and load Spack following its `getting started instructions `_. - If using CUDA: run ``spack external find cuda`` to inform Spack of the existing installation. - Create the Celeritas development environment with ``spack env create celeritas scripts/spack.yaml``. - Tell Spack to default to building with CUDA support with the command ``spack -e celeritas config add packages:all:variants:"cxxstd=17 +cuda cuda_arch="``, where ```` is the numeric portion of the `CUDA architecture flags `_. - Install all the dependencies with ``spack -e celeritas install``. The current Spack environment for full-featured development is: .. literalinclude:: ../../scripts/spack.yaml :language: yaml With this environment (with CUDA enabled), all Celeritas tests should be enabled and all should pass. Celeritas is build-compatible with older versions of some dependencies (e.g., Geant4@10.6 and VecGeom@1.2.7), but some tests may fail, indicating a change in behavior or a bug fix in that package. Specifically, older versions of VecGeom have shapes and configurations that are incompatible on GPU with new CMS detector descriptions. .. _Spack: https://github.com/spack/spack Building Celeritas ------------------ Once the Celeritas Spack environment has been installed, set your shell's environment variables (``PATH``, ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH``, ...) by activating it. To clone the latest development version of Celeritas: .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://github.com/celeritas-project/celeritas.git or download it from the GitHub-generated `zip file`_. , you can configure, build, and test using the provided helper script: .. code-block:: console $ cd celeritas $ spack env activate celeritas $ ./scripts/build.sh base or manually with: .. code-block:: console $ cd celeritas $ spack env activate celeritas $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make && ctest .. _zip file: https://github.com/celeritas-project/celeritas/archive/refs/heads/develop.zip CMake Presets ------------- To manage multiple builds with different configure options (debug or release, VecGeom or ORANGE), you can use the CMake presets provided by Celeritas via the ``CMakePresets.json`` file for CMake 3.21 and higher: .. code-block:: console $ cmake --preset=default The three main options are "minimal", "default", and "full", which all set different expectations for available dependencies. .. note:: If your CMake version is too old, you may get an unhelpful message: .. code-block:: console CMake Error: Could not read presets from celeritas: Unrecognized "version" field which is just a poor way of saying the version in the ``CMakePresets.json`` file is newer than that version knows how to handle. If you want to add your own set of custom options and flags, create a ``CMakeUserPresets.json`` file or, if you wish to contribute on a regular basis, create a preset at :file:`scripts/cmake-presets/{HOSTNAME}.json` and call ``scripts/build.sh {preset}`` to create the symlink, configure the preset, build, and test.