.. Copyright Celeritas contributors: see top-level COPYRIGHT file for details .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. highlight:: console .. _profiling: Profiling ========= Since the primary motivator of Celeritas is performance on GPU hardware, profiling is a necessity. Celeritas uses NVTX (CUDA), ROCTX (HIP) or Perfetto (CPU) to annotate the different sections of the code, allowing for fine-grained profiling and improved visualization. Timelines --------- A detailed timeline of the Celeritas construction, steps, and kernel launches can be gathered using `NVIDIA Nsight systems`_. .. _NVIDIA Nsight systems: https://docs.nvidia.com/nsight-systems/UserGuide/index.html Here is an example using the ``celer-sim`` app to generate a timeline: .. sourcecode:: :linenos: $ CELER_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 \ > nsys profile \ > -c nvtx --trace=cuda,nvtx,osrt > -p celer-sim@celeritas > --osrt-backtrace-stack-size=16384 --backtrace=fp > -f true -o report.qdrep \ > celer-sim inp.json To use the NVTX ranges, you must enable the ``CELER_ENABLE_PROFILING`` variable and use the NVTX "capture" option (lines 1 and 3). The ``celer-sim`` range in the ``celeritas`` domain (line 4) enables profiling over the whole application. Additional system backtracing is specified in line 5; line 6 writes (and overwrites) to a particular output file; the final line invokes the application. Timelines can also be generated on AMD hardware using the ROCProfiler_ applications. Here's an example that writes out timeline information: .. sourcecode:: :linenos: $ CELER_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 \ > rocprof \ > --roctx-trace \ > --hip-trace \ > celer-sim inp.json .. _ROCProfiler: https://rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/rocprofiler/en/latest/rocprofv1.html#roctx-trace It will output a :file:`results.json` file that contains profiling data for both the Celeritas annotations (line 3) and HIP function calls (line 4) in a "trace event format" which can be viewed in the Perfetto_ data visualization tool. .. _Perfetto: https://ui.perfetto.dev/ On CPU, timelines are generated using Perfetto, which is only supported when CUDA and HIP are disabled. Perfetto supports application-level and system-level profiling. .. sourcecode:: :linenos: $ CELER_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 \ > celer-sim inp.json The system-level profiling, capturing both system and application events, requires starting external services. Details on how to setup the system services can be found in the `Perfetto documentation`_. Root access on the system is required. If you integrate Celeritas in your application, you need to create a ``TracingSession`` instance. The profiling session will end when the object goes out of scope but it can be moved to extend its lifetime. .. sourcecode:: cpp :linenos: #include "corecel/sys/TracingSession.hh" int main() { // System-level profiling: pass a filename to use application-level profiling celeritas::TracingSession session; session.start() } .. _Perfetto documentation: https://perfetto.dev/docs/quickstart/linux-tracing Kernel profiling ---------------- Detailed kernel diagnostics including occupancy and memory bandwidth can be gathered with the `NVIDIA Compute systems`_ profiler. .. _NVIDIA Compute systems: https://docs.nvidia.com/nsight-compute/NsightComputeCli/index.html This example gathers kernel statistics for 10 "propagate" kernels (for both charged and uncharged particles) starting with the 300th launch. .. sourcecode:: :linenos: $ CELER_ENABLE_PROFILING=1 \ > ncu \ > --nvtx --nvtx-include "celeritas@celer-sim/step/*/propagate" \ > --launch-skip 300 --launch-count 10 \ > -f -o propagate > celer-sim inp.json It will write to :file:`propagate.ncu-rep` output file. Note that the domain and range are flipped compared to ``nsys`` since the kernel profiling allows detailed top-down stack specification.