.. Copyright Celeritas contributors: see top-level COPYRIGHT file for details .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. _environment: Environment variables ===================== Some pieces of core Celeritas code interrogate the environment for variables to change system- or output-level behavior. These variables are checked once per execution, and checking them inserts the key and user-defined value (or empty) into a diagnostic database saved to Celeritas' JSON output, so the user can tell what variables are in use or may be useful. .. table:: Environment variables used by Celeritas. ======================= ========= ========================================== Variable Component Brief description ======================= ========= ========================================== CELER_COLOR corecel Enable/disable ANSI color logging CELER_DEBUG_DEVICE corecel Increase device error checking and output CELER_DISABLE_DEVICE corecel Disable CUDA/HIP support CELER_DISABLE_PARALLEL corecel Disable MPI support CELER_DISABLE_ROOT corecel Disable ROOT I/O calls CELER_DEVICE_ASYNC corecel Flag for asynchronous memory allocation CELER_ENABLE_PROFILING corecel Set up NVTX/ROCTX profiling ranges [#pr]_ CELER_LOG corecel Set the "global" logger verbosity CELER_LOG_LOCAL corecel Set the "local" logger verbosity CELER_MEMPOOL... [#mp]_ corecel Change ``cudaMemPoolAttrReleaseThreshold`` CELER_PERFETT... [#bs]_ corecel Set the in-process tracing buffer size CELER_PROFILE_DEVICE corecel Record extra kernel launch information CUDA_HEAP_SIZE geocel Change ``cudaLimitMallocHeapSize`` (VG) CUDA_STACK_SIZE geocel Change ``cudaLimitStackSize`` for VecGeom G4VG_COMPARE_VOLUMES geocel Check G4VG volume capacity when converting HEPMC3_VERBOSE celeritas HepMC3 debug verbosity VECGEOM_VERBOSE celeritas VecGeom CUDA verbosity CELER_DISABLE accel Disable Celeritas offloading entirely CELER_KILL_OFFLOAD accel Kill Celeritas-supported tracks in Geant4 CELER_NONFATAL_FLUSH accel Instead of crashing, kill tracks [#nf]_ CELER_STRIP_SOURCEDIR accel Strip directories from exception output ======================= ========= ========================================== .. [#bs] CELER_PERFETTO_BUFFER_SIZE_MB .. [#mp] CELER_MEMPOOL_RELEASE_THRESHOLD .. [#pr] See :ref:`profiling` .. [#nf] Normally, exceeding the "maximum steps" or interrupting the stepping loop will call G4Exception, which normally kills the code. (In external frameworks this usually causes a stack trace and core dump.) Instead of doing that, kill all the active tracks and print their state. If more tracks are buffered, those will continue to transport. Some of the Celeritas-defined environment variables have prefixes from other libraries because they directly control the behavior of that library and nothing else. The ``CELER_DEVICE_ASYNC`` may be needed when running HIP 5.7 or later due to the "beta" nature of hipMallocAsync_: it defaults to "true" *except* for HIP less than 5.2 (where it is not implemented) or greater than 5.6. .. _hipMallocAsync: https://rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/HIP/en/latest/doxygen/html/group___stream_o.html Environment variables from external libraries can also be referenced by Celeritas or its apps: .. table:: Environment variables used by relevant external libraries. ======================== ========= ========================================== Variable Library Brief description ======================== ========= ========================================== CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES CUDA Set the active CUDA device HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES HIP Set the active HIP device G4LEDATA Geant4 Path to low-energy EM data G4FORCE_RUN_MANAGER_TYPE Geant4 Use MT or Serial thread layout G4FORCENUMBEROFTHREADS Geant4 Set CPU worker thread count OMP_NUM_THREADS OpenMP Number of threads per process ======================== ========= ========================================== .. note:: For frameworks integrating Celeritas, these options are configurable via the Celeritas API. Before Celeritas is set up for the first time, on a single thread access the ``celeritas::environment()`` struct (see :ref:`api_system`), and call ``insert`` for the desired key/value pairs. .. _logging: Logging ------- The Celeritas library writes informational messages to ``stderr``. The given levels can be used with the ``CELER_LOG`` and ``CELER_LOG_LOCAL`` environment variables to suppress or increase the output. The default is to print diagnostic messages and higher. .. table:: Logging levels in increasing severity. ========== ============================================================== Level Description ========== ============================================================== debug Low-level debugging messages diagnostic Diagnostics about current program execution status Program execution status (what stage is beginning) info Important informational messages warning Warnings about unusual events error Something went wrong, but execution can continue critical Something went terribly wrong: program termination imminent ========== ==============================================================